Friday, March 7, 2008


Well is this fooball season or baseball season?!! Weather wise our 2nd practice wasn't very good, but productive wise for the players it went good!! At least they got to go on a field, now if they could feel their feet walking on the field, I am not too sure!! Maybe it will warm up soon!
Parents hang in there too!

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

1st practice 2/4/08

Well the 2008 9/10 Padres met for the 1st time at a batting cage in Hendersonville on 3/4/08 due to cold and wet weather. The boys all seemed really excited to finally have a bat in hand and getting to hit the ball. We were only missing one player, Kaleb Watkins, because he was running a fever. Hopefully he will be well and will get to join us at the next practice. I hope everyone has fun and learns alot this year! Go Padres!

Carla Collier